Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Force is strong in this one.

My son and I set out to make a lightsaber hilt, partly for his Halloween costume and partly for the fun of it. The biggest challenge was figuring out what to make it with. We talked to fellow Jedi and hilt maker (red40lake) to get his expert advice. After examining his weapon my son and I set out a plan.

We went to the local hardware store and searched for items that would work. I never knew the Jedi were so skilled with plumbing. As we examined different bits and pieces I realized it was my son who came up with lots of good ideas. The force is obviously strong in this one. This construction was not going to be a copy of another design; rather it would be his own creation.

Our shopping cart soon filled with 1¼” pipe, some couplers, a bunch of o-rings, some drain plug operating mechanism, and JB Weld. Put together in the correct order with the addition of a small circuit card out of an old broken computer, and voilĂ , a new lighsaber hilt.

We had a great time making it and I think it is something he will probably keep for a long time.

I was even surprised when I hit the “on” button (look at the slideshow on the right).

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hat Store

If you have never been to the hat store in Leavenworth, WA then you are missing out on one of life’s great adventures. O.K. maybe it’s not that great, but it is fun.

And for all you military folks out there with clearances, Leavenworth, WA is nothing like Leavenworth, KS. The Washington Leavenworth is a fun family place with great things like, October fest, the Hat Store, and strange old men dressed in a lederhosen who approach young girls…..never mind that one (private joke).
Anyway, I love going to the hat store. You can spend an hour there laughing at each other while wearing funny hats that you would never be seen with in public. For example, I have decided not to blackmail these people rather spread the laughter around.

Here are a few examples of what the hat store brings you.

Got the fever, do I have the time?

My wife started her blog (our family blog) a while back after being dissatisfied with our family web site being so difficult to manage. I can't blame her. It became one of those things that only I could do; uploading web pages and all. I'm glad she found this and figured it out. She likes it and it is easier to keep updated than our own website was. Anyway, I liked it and thought I had some thoughts to share as well. So I shall....or at least I shall try. The big question is time. Do I have the time?

Here it is 11:15 p.m. on Sunday night. I should be in bed. The prob. is my creative gears really get moving about 10:00 p.m. I'm a night owl. I wish I could pick my own work schedule. Of course if I did that, I would probably never see my family - - - - - shhhh - they are day walkers.

BTW - look for me on Facebook. I try to keep my status updated frequently, especially since I can update it from my phone.-

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